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Archive for the ‘Asides’ Category

The 10 Gadgets that Changed the World

The 10 Gadgets that Changed the World: “The wheel. The plow. The gun. The electric light. The radio. The chip. The untidy march of human ingenuity and innovation has led you here, to our list of the 10 most life-altering devices of the modern era.”

No such thing as bad press? Sony says no.

Looks like Sony is trying to put to bed the old adage of “there’s no such thing as bad press” with their recent, and ill-advised, guerilla ad campaign. What happened to the Sony of old? Didn’t they used to be good? Maybe not.

UPDATE: Sony deleted the video from YouTube but, in case you missed it and want to bask in its sheer awfulness, it’s been reposted by another member. How kind.

Premier’s 20 Most Overrated films

Premier Magazine’s 20 Most Overrated Movies of All Time. Not sure I agree with a lot of these, but how can I refuse yet *another* list…

Top 50 Music Videos Of 2006

DoCopenhagen has their Top 50 Music Videos Of 2006 up. All 50 are YouTubed into the one page so you can easily flick through at your leisure! There are some great videos (and music) in there.

Think your gaming keyboard has enough buttons?

So you think your PC gaming keyboard has enough buttons? Think again!

What code DOESN’T do in real life (that it does in the movies)

What code DOESN’T do in real life (that it does in the movies): “10. Most code is not inherently cross platform
Remember in Independence Day when whatshisface-math-guy writes a virus that works on both his apple laptop AND an alien mothership? Bullshit!
If real life were like film I’d be able to port wordpress to my toaster using a cat5 cable and a bag of glitter.”
(via BoingBoing)

Will Self walks from South London to Manhattan

I’ve never read any of his books — though I really should — but I do love Will Self. As an avid walker, Will recently walked from his South London house to Heathrow, then continued to walk from JFK to his destination hotel in Manhattan. Around 46 miles in total.

“In the post-industrial age, this is the only form of real exploration left. Anyone can go and see the Ituri pygmy, but how many people have walked all the way from the airport to the city?” (via Kottke)

Apple video game console ‘a distinct possibility’

An Apple video game console? ‘A distinct possibility’, apparently.

Seven things you should know about Tim Biskup

Tim Biskup is one of my favourite modern-day artists, and there’s a new article on him over at Helio: 7 things you should know about Tim Biskup. (via Drawn!)

Design for browser size, not screen size

Design for browser size, not screen size: I’ve been saying it for ages but I like reading things by people who say the same things as me. ;) A nice tool here at as well.