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Archive for October, 2007

Haunted Mansion/Bela Lugosi’s Dead mashup

Haunted Mansion/Bela Lugosi’s Dead: A superb mashup of the Ghost Host narration from Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion and Bauhaus’ Bela Lugosi’s Dead.

Diana+: Lomo to bring Diana camera back

The new Diana+ camera

Ever the fan of bringing old cameras back into production (and charging a nice premium for them), Lomo are resuscitating the Diana camera back. The medium format camera has been out of production for nearly 35 years but will be made available again this month as the Diana+, joining the LC-A+ on their production line.

The starter kit, which includes Diana+ Camera (with lens cap and shutter lock), Diana Vignettes photo and story book and Instruction manual is available direct from Lomo for £27.55 (or $50, if you’re on the other side of the pond). (via Boing Boing)

Sony ripping off Kozyndan?

Kozyndan vs Sony

Possibly an enormous co-incidence, but the new animated Play-Doh bunnies commercial for Sony Bravia by ad agency Fallon bears a rather remarkable resemblance to one of artist duo Kozyndan‘s earlier pieces of artwork, “What’s next, USA-chan?

It really is a beautiful commercial, but a huge shame they haven’t credited the very obvious inspiration. Bad Sony. Again.