The iWeb Conversator Tee-shirt
Check out this absolutely awesome t-shirt from The Internet’s Penny Arcade.
We understand that with the lightning fast pace of today’s digimal world, generating the proper Internet truncation can be a difficult process. Everything is moving so quickly and you’re not even sure what they’re even talking about. You thought everyone was talking Portal, and now it’s all pictures of cats. With the power of our iWeb Conversator, you need not fear. Any response you select will be absolutely appropriate in every circumstance.
See-ming Lee December 24th, 2007 9:14 pm
Well said.
I am absolutely disgusted how people expect you to write paragraphs of IMs back when they an only whisper a two-worder. People who can only whisper two-worder should be banned from using these shortcuts.
These shortcuts are necessary for the very long winded (like me) but they are simply bad manners for folks who don’t say anything to start with.