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Disney to produce theatrical shorts again

by Trevor May | 6th December 2006 | Animation Disney | 1 comment

New animated shorts from-guess who? Disney: Jenny highlights a recent article from the New York Times.

After a hiatus of nearly 50 years, Walt Disney Studios is getting back into the business of producing short cartoons, starting with a Goofy vehicle next year. The studio has released a few shorts in recent years — “Destino,” “Lorenzo” and “The Little Match Girl” — but those were more artistic exercise than commercial endeavor. The new cartoons, by contrast, are an effort by a new leadership team from Pixar Animation Studios, now a Disney unit, to put the Burbank company back at the forefront of animation with a form it once pioneered.

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  • Cartoon Central December 9th, 2006 7:57 pm

    Disney To Produce Shorts Again…

    We’ll be looking forward to more Goofy!……

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