Seven things you should know about Tim Biskup
Tim Biskup is one of my favourite modern-day artists, and there’s a new article on him over at Helio: 7 things you should know about Tim Biskup. (via Drawn!)
Tim Biskup is one of my favourite modern-day artists, and there’s a new article on him over at Helio: 7 things you should know about Tim Biskup. (via Drawn!)
Following his lessons on cartoon colour theory John has started a series on composition. I’ll readily admit that I don’t always agree with every word the guy says on his blog but, once again, these lessons are a treat. Again, many of these lessons can easily be applied to other mediums, such as film, television and illustration.
Steve Worth is also adding some more valuable stuff on compostion at the Hollywood Animation Archive blog; including the 1960’s Famous Artists lesson: 3. Composition – How to make pictures.
They also have a couple of other Famous Artists lessons on their site, including: 24. Television Art and 16. Animals
John K, of Ren and Stimpy and Spumco fame, is currently doing a very interesting series on his colours theories on his blog. Although he’s talking about colour in cartoons, the information could easily be applied to most artistic mediums.
UPDATE: He’s also now posting some great stuff from early Hanna Barbera colour stylist and background painter, Art Lozzi.
Colour Theories for Cartoons
How to draw really well: I can’t draw really well, but there’s one way to try to remedy that… by drawing!