Forgotten NY
Forgotten NY: Forgotten subway signs, advertisements, cemeteries, signs and more. Remnants of years past peeking through to today. (via Design Observer)
Forgotten NY: Forgotten subway signs, advertisements, cemeteries, signs and more. Remnants of years past peeking through to today. (via Design Observer)
Il Etait une Fois Walt Disney: I meant to write about this earlier, but I got so excited that I’d actually be seeing it next month that I almost completely forgot! Le Grand Palais in Paris is running an fantastic exhibition of classic Disney artwork alongside the works that inspired them. It runs until January 15th 2007, so there’s still time to catch it before the exhibition moves to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts from March 8 to June 24th 2007.
There’s a superb slideshow of artwork at l’Express and Cartoon Brew (where I originally found out about the exhibition) has a few more details as well.
Update: I’ve been! Read my report here.
I’ve never read any of his books — though I really should — but I do love Will Self. As an avid walker, Will recently walked from his South London house to Heathrow, then continued to walk from JFK to his destination hotel in Manhattan. Around 46 miles in total.
“In the post-industrial age, this is the only form of real exploration left. Anyone can go and see the Ituri pygmy, but how many people have walked all the way from the airport to the city?†(via Kottke)
I did this commute from Brighton to London (and back again) by train every single day for around eight years. If I’d had a front row seat like this I’d have probably enjoyed it a bit more. Well, that and if it *actually* took 2 minutes instead of an hour and a half. They really could have cleaned that windscreen though!
Back in the 80’s there was a programme on the BBC with time-lapse footage of the trip in 3 1/2 minutes — and it’s also on YouTube, complete with awesome futuristic 80’s soundtrack!
Update: I love YouTube! There’s even the original 1950’s 4 minute timelapse footage on there as well. Enjoy!