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Illustration Friday now has a blog

by Trevor May | 19th March 2007 | Art Asides Illustration | Comment on this

Illustration Friday now has a blog. (Thanks BoingBoing)

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Muppet Mobile Lab video

by Trevor May | 15th March 2007 | Disney Gadgets | 1 comment

Disney’s marvellous new autonomous audio-animatronic, the Muppet Mobile Lab, visited Pixar on another test-run. The Disney blog has a great video of it in action. You can also find some photos on Flickr.

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Captain America is Dead

by Trevor May | 14th March 2007 | Asides Comic books Video games | 2 comments

How did this slip past the radar? Marvel superhero Captain America died last week. The first I’d head of it was when Kotaku mentioned it in reference to an article at on Captain America in video games.

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by Trevor May | 13th March 2007 | Asides Gadgets Video games | Comment on this

Gabe over at Penny Arcade now has a Playstation 3 and throws out some negatives and positives from his short experience with the console. Bear in mind that the EU’s PS3 is different so, hopefully, ours won’t “burn with the heat of a million suns”.

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I Am 8-Bit GDC07 Preview

by Trevor May | 13th March 2007 | Art Retro Video games | Comment on this

A preview of artwork to be shown at the I Am 8-Bit show from, oddly, this year’s Game Developers Conference. The official site is here (but empty) but you can still see some of the older ones from last time here.

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Shopping the Playstation’s Online Store is Fun and Convenient

by Trevor May | 4th March 2007 | Asides Humour Video games | 3 comments

Shopping the Playstation’s Online Store is Fun and Convenient: Penny Arcade’s amusing look at Sony’s convoluted purchasing experience.

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Jesus Rode a Dinosaur

by Trevor May | 2nd March 2007 | Asides Humour | Comment on this

Jesus Rode a Dinosaur: Fact!

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Disneyland: How to Draw Goofy book

by Trevor May | 22nd February 2007 | Animation Books Design Retro | Comment on this

How to Draw Goofy book

Jenny at The Blackwing Diaries has a great set of scans from this 60s Disneyland book “How to Draw Goofy: A Walt Disney Character Model Guide”. I particularly like the quote from Walt Disney himself.

Part one: Cover and Walt’s quote.
Part two: Page scans.

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Autumn and the Plot Against Me

by Trevor May | 22nd February 2007 | Asides Photography Travel | Comment on this

Autumn and the Plot Against Me: One man’s long search for the location in a Windows XP desktop photo. (via Kottke)

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The Rock Balancing Art of Bill Dan

by Trevor May | 22nd February 2007 | Asides Miscellany | Comment on this

The Rock Balancing Art of Bill Dan: Need a new hobby for the summer? How about putting rocks on top of each other.

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