Generation XP: Top 20 Games of the Last Generation
Now that Vista’s out, XP is old news. We always like a top 20 list and Voodoo Extreme has a run-down of the top games during Windows XP’s lifetime. I bet you can’t guess what’s number one.
Now that Vista’s out, XP is old news. We always like a top 20 list and Voodoo Extreme has a run-down of the top games during Windows XP’s lifetime. I bet you can’t guess what’s number one.
Sony confirms Wipeout for PS3: “We have nothing to add, but we will be making an announcement with more details in the near future.” Hopefully they’ll bring back tDR… or perhaps another design agency that’s “de jour” to realise the visuals. (via Kotaku)
Disney has announced the pricing structure for their forthcoming MMORPG based on the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and theme park attractions: Free for the ad-supported version, or $9.95 per month for the “Unlimited Access” level. Quite what “ad supported” actually means — bill boards for Princess dress-up clothing in-game, perhaps — remains to be seen.
The game will be released for Windows in the Spring. No Mac version, though, so it looks like Apple OS fans have to use Bootcamp or something to play. (via The Disney Blog)
Kevin Smith’s top ten films of 2006: Isn’t it a little narcissistic to include your own movie in your top ten list? (via Kottke)
Disregarding all the other pointless versions, Windows Vista Utimate Upgrade edition: $249.99 (£127.13) $466.06 (£236.99)
Er, Microsoft. We’re not stupid! How about you come back here and re-price the EU editions of your (already overpriced) new operating system? Thanks.
Observations on film art and Film Art: A great blog for film students and movie lovers by the renowned film studies text-book authors Kristin Thompson and David Bordwell.
Noisy Decent Graphics on The Design Disease: “…it’s there in every aspect of life. You can’t stop looking at things through your designer eyes. Everything you do is clouded by this thing that lives inside you.”
Mass Tram America: Here’s a rather interesting concept for a monorail built entirely from decommissioned, de-winged Boeing plane fuselages. Powered by renewable energy sources the tram can theoretically travel from 100-200mph. (via Danny’s Land)
I’d also love to see these driverless electric and biofuel hybrid buses too. They work by following magnets on the floor, satellite navigation and with onboard sensors. Is the future finally here?!
The guardian reports that the PS3 will launch on the 23rd March 2007 for £425 for the 60Gb model. Ouch. The 20Gb model will be released later, depending on demand, at an unknown cost. Sony haven’t announced how many will be released to the UK but have said that one million will be shipped to the EU.
Did you know that Disneyland’s Dumbo ride used to have flapping ears? … No? Well now you do.