It’s Christmas! Time for some Christmas music!
Here we are again at the only time of year where you can get away with playing cheesy shmaltz without friends and family questioning your taste/sanity/sexuality. What, you have no Bing Crosby lying around at home? Don’t worry, there’s a solution.
I really should have mentioned Pandora before because it’s a fantastic way of finding new music or listening to the kind of music you like when you don’t have your collection to hand. This, of course, means you have endless access to as much Bing, Nat, Louis and, uh, Regis Philbin as you can possibly handle this holiday season. Here’s the trick from
Think of someone you’d like to hear some holiday cheer from, say, Bing Crosby. Tell Pandora you want to create a new station, but instead of just writing in the artist’s name, type in “Bing Crosby (holiday)”.
If you really want to show everyone what a Christmas mood you’re in, you can log your Pandora plays to your profile with the ingeniously named
Go now, and enjoy that endless Christmas crooning!