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LEGO Digital Designer 2.1

by Trevor May | 24th June 2007 | Software Toys | 2 comments

LEGO Digital Designer

LEGO have a rather cool bit of software available on their site (for Windows and Mac OS X) called the LEGO Digital Designer (currently version 2.1) which allows you to mess about with all the bricks and other weird pieces that they have in their catalogue and make your own vehicle, house, town or whatever crazy idea from your imagination.

When you’re happy with it, you can check the price and, if you haven’t fainted from the price, buy it online to make at home. Fantastic!

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Samuel L. Jackson is Nick Fury

by Trevor May | 23rd June 2007 | Asides Movies | Comment on this

According to Ain’t it Cool News, Samuel L. Jackson has joined the cast of the Iron Man movie as S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Nick Fury. I guess that means he won’t now appear in a Spider-man or Fantastic Four movie thanks to them all being distributed by different studios.

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Slife 1.1: Track your computer activities

by Trevor May | 22nd June 2007 | Software | Comment on this

Slife screen shot

Ever wondered where the hell the day went? Now you can become your own “big brother” and track your every move. If you dare!

Slife observes your every interaction with applications such as Safari, Mail and iChat and keeps tracks of all web pages you visit, emails you read, documents you write and much more.

For Mac OS X. (via swissmiss)

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SoftBank Pantone cellphone

by Trevor May | 22nd June 2007 | Asides Design Gadgets | Comment on this

SoftBank Pantone mobile phone: A perfect gift for the design geek. (via NOTCOT)

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A month in the life of a graphic designer

by Trevor May | 21st June 2007 | Design | Comment on this


Through June, Creative Review are following the daily life of a graphic designer.

Michael Place, from London agency Build, “has agreed to record everything that he does during this period. Every piece of work. Every idea. Every presentation. Every meeting.”

“You’ll thrill as he meets his bank manager. Gasp as he checks some proofs. Marvel as he tours exotic locations such as Walthamstow and Epping Forest. All will be revealed.”

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WeFi: Wifi hotspot sharing & mapping application

by Trevor May | 20th June 2007 | Gadgets Mobile Software | Comment on this

WeFi map

WeFi is a new collaborative wifi mapping tool that records open wifi networks that your computer can “see” and uploads them to a central database. Anyone can then browse their website for access points anywhere in the world and see them on a Google-powered map. The ultimate goal is to “make open Wi-Fi act more like a wireless infrastructure that can compete with 3G networks, except freely created and shared by the users.”

Wonderful idea, though their site seems to think I’m in Slough. (via Boing Boing)

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New Vending Machine Red video

by Trevor May | 20th June 2007 | Asides Commercials Humour | Comment on this

A new Vending Machine Red video has just gone up. This time he has a chance encounter while crossing the road.

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Rejected Wii Games

by Trevor May | 18th June 2007 | Asides Humour Video games | 1 comment

Rejected Wii Games: WiiPii, Cii-section, Prostate Exam, Female Pleasure, Paperwork Mario… they’re all here. (via Kottke)

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The Submarine Voyage Returns to Disneyland

by Trevor May | 17th June 2007 | Disney Travel | 2 comments

Submarine Voyage

The Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage re-opened in Tomorrowland at Disneyland last week after the original Submarine Voyage closed to guests nearly ten years ago. The Re-Imaginering blog heralds the new attraction as a beginning of a promising new era at Disneyland:

Along with the submarine fleet, another long lost unit has come marching home again… the animators. And they are bringing the “Walt” back to Disneyland.

In the acquisition of Pixar, Disney has bought back their wandering soul and healthy inner child – at a premium – and it could not have been a better move. Here are to be found the traditional Disney talents and ideas, the Walt spirit in exile.

The Disney Blog highlights a number of links to launch coverage, two ride-throughs and interviews from the press event.

Disney Geek has a photo journal of his first visit ride of the subs on June 15th.

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Temporal Anomalies in Time Travel Movies

by Trevor May | 17th June 2007 | Asides Mobile Science | Comment on this

Temporal Anomalies in Time Travel Movies (via Kottke)

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