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Darth Vader on Twitter

by Trevor May | 15th February 2007 | Asides Humour | Comment on this

Darth Vader on Twitter: “Sigh… some days I just miss my braided rat tail.”

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Ultimate Collector’s Millennium Falcon Lego set

by Trevor May | 15th February 2007 | Toys | 3 comments


Alice had a treat for the Star Wars fan’s eyeballs today over at Wonderland: a new Lego Ultimate Collector’s Millennium Falcon set — over 3 feet in length! It’s made of over 5,000 pieces which, apparently, makes it the biggest Lego set ever made. It also includes Han Solo, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa.

It can be yours this October for a mere £350!

While you’re revelling in lost youth, be sure to check out the new Transformers toys as well.

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Disney plans live action Sorcerer’s Apprentice

by Trevor May | 14th February 2007 | Asides Disney Movies | Comment on this

Disney plans live action Sorcerer’s Apprentice. With Nicholas Cage as the Sorcerer. Seriously, could they not think of a worse idea?

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Tetris Kids furniture

by Trevor May | 14th February 2007 | Asides Home | Comment on this

Tetris furniture for kids.

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Feodor Rojankovsky

by Trevor May | 13th February 2007 | Design Illustration | Comment on this


John K has a great post on Feodor Rojankovsky‘s illustrative paintings over at his blog today.

Rojankovsky (1891-1970) was a Russian-born artist best known for his animal-filled childrens illustrations. “Two great events determined the course of my childhood. I was taken to the zoo and saw the most marvellous creatures on earth: bears, tigers, monkeys and reindeer, and, while my admiration was running high, I was given a set of color crayons.”

More of his work for children can be found here and here. He also drew lady parts. Um, that last link probably isn’t safe for work.

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Could California split from the USA?

by Trevor May | 13th February 2007 | Asides Miscellany Travel | Comment on this

Could California split from the USA? “California’s governor has also put his finger on a little discussed flaw in America’s constitutional formula. The United States is almost certainly too big to be a meaningful democracy. What does “participatory democracy” mean in a continent? Sooner or later, a profound, probably regional, decentralization of the federal system may be all but inevitable.” (via Kottke)

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“I don’t think you can feed grass to cows”

by Trevor May | 12th February 2007 | Asides Humour Miscellany | Comment on this

“I don’t think you can feed grass to cows.”

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Read “Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom” for free

by Trevor May | 6th February 2007 | Asides Books | 1 comment

I’ve been meaning to read Cory Doctorow’s novel “Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom” for absolutely ages but have never managed to get around to it — until now! DailyLit are offering it, for free, emailed to you in 65 regularly sent chunks so you have no excuse either! (Incidentally, and do call me an idiot, I only realised today that Cory Doctorow is the same Cory Doctorow that co-edits Boing Boing!)

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Saving Ourselves: Psychoanalytic Investigation of Resident Evil and Silent Hill

by Trevor May | 6th February 2007 | Asides Video games | Comment on this

Saving Ourselves: Psychoanalytic Investigation of Resident Evil and Silent Hill (via Kotaku)

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Will Eisner: The Spirit of an Artistic Pioneer

by Trevor May | 5th February 2007 | Art Asides Comic books Illustration | Comment on this

Will Eisner: The Spirit of an Artistic Pioneer: New trailer for the “documentary on the life and career of the sequential art genius.” (via Drawn!)

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