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Top 10 Most Popular MMOs

by Trevor May | 17th June 2007 | Asides Video games | Comment on this

The Top 10 Most Popular Massively Multi-player Online games: No surprises as to what still comes out on top!

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Charley Harper, Illustrator (1922 – 2007)

by Trevor May | 16th June 2007 | Art Books Illustration | Comment on this

Charley Harper: An Illustrated Life by Todd Oldham

I never knew him by name, but I was certainly familiar with his work. Charley Harper was most well known for his highly stylised bird, insect and wildlife illustrations, particularly for the U.S. National Parks Service.

Charley liked to say, that when he paints a bird, he doesn’t count all the feathers in the wings – he just counts the wings. Minimal realism, he called it, and his unique and precise style continues to resonate and inspire his admirers.

A new book, “Charley Harper: An Illustrated Life“, is being published next month, edited by Todd Oldham, on his six decade long career. More details can be found on the publisher’s website.

(thanks Ward)

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Japanese Coke Machine Robot

by Trevor May | 14th June 2007 | Commercials Movies | Comment on this

Coke vending machine robot

I love these Japanese “Vending Machine Red!” commercials for Coca-cola featuring a mecha vending machine who wanders around town, scares off kids, looks for loose change and draws the attention of police. (via Cartoon Brew)

Update: A rough translation of the narration from Tokyomango:

Vending Machine RED—a robot that takes the form of a juice vending machine—appeared one day in the middle of town. He’s not a superhero trying to save the world, he just walks around town aimlessly. Go, Vending Machine RED!

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Antikewl Daily update

by Trevor May | 13th June 2007 | Miscellany | Comment on this

A few changes have been made around these parts. Firstly, I finally got around to setting up the site so that *is* Antikewl Daily. No more silly redirect. If you ever want to link to us, feel free to use that URL!

Secondly, I’ve changed the old Antikewl Daily RSS feed to a single web feed through Feedburner. The old ones should re-direct, but if you want to update your feed reader the new URL is

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Steve Purcell’s Monkey Island concept art

by Trevor May | 12th June 2007 | Art Illustration Video games | Comment on this

Steve Purcel Monkey Island concept artwork

There are a whole bunch of rumours about a new Monkey Island game flying around that almost definitely aren’t true. Probably. Either way, here’s some fantastic concept artwork by Steve Purcell.

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Munich 1972 = Good, London 2012 = Bad

by Trevor May | 12th June 2007 | Design Illustration Typography | Comment on this

Munich 1972

After forgetting about the new London 2012 Olympics logo for a week I stumbled upon this post at Design Observer. I did love that Sun headline. Anyway, to try to forget this “cool” new rave identity (at least until it gets plastered over every billboard in town) I decided to do a little search for one of my favourite Olympics identities of the past: Otl Aicher‘s work for Munich 1972.

Here’s what I found:

72 Exhibition
1972 Munich Design Report Flickr set
1972 Munich Olympics Flickr set
Otl Aitcher and the Munich Olympiad Flickr set
Otl Aicher: Utilitarian Design

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Forklift Driver Klaus: The First Day on the Job

by Trevor May | 12th June 2007 | Humour Movies Retro | Comment on this

It seems that I’ve found the original inspiration for this fantastic German comedy-horror short “Forklift Driver Klaus” (video above — Caution: Contains simulated gore) at Boing Boing.

Shake Hands with Danger” is a 1970s short film about safe Caterpillar tractor operation.

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Apple reveals Windows Safari web browser beta

by Trevor May | 11th June 2007 | Asides Software | Comment on this

Apple launches Windows Safari beta

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WWF Footprint Calculator

by Trevor May | 11th June 2007 | Environment Home | 1 comment

WWF Footprint Calculator

I thought I was quite good but apparently I need to do better! This WWF Ecological footprint calculator estimates that I’m living as if we had 1.68 planets to support us. They also estimate that my carbon footprint is 6.03 tonnes per annum.

Some of the statements are a bit vague though and it assumes you have a car, but it’s still an interesting little tool.

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Bloggers Choice Awards – vote for Antikewl Daily!

by Trevor May | 11th June 2007 | Miscellany | Comment on this

My site was nominated for Best Pop Culture Blog! My site was nominated for Best Entertainment Blog! My site was nominated for Best Blog About Stuff!

Probably not the best time to ask for people to nominate this blog for an award when we haven’t posted anything for a couple of weeks — but please do! We’re up for nomination for Best Entertainment Blog, Best Blog about Stuff and Best Pop Culture Blog.

Be sure to vote for your other favourites while you’re there too!

Oh, and I’ll promise I’ll write more from now on. Actually, I’m going to pledge right now that I’ll post at least seven posts per week. Feel free to kick me if I don’t!

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